Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Identity and identity politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Identity and identity politics - Essay Example owever, they never lost their identity and their feeling is that the country retains it as a â€Å"residual sovereignty.† Scots’ have a party of their own that did so well last year and proved its worth and potentiality of their identity. Mr. Salmond, Scots’ first minister and leader of Scottish National party, wants a referendum by 2014 to fulfil the promise, (Ascherson web). According to Ford, social identities are a product of politics. He claims that â€Å"social identities are inherently and irreducibly political† (Ford web). It is true that some identities are a product of politics. Scots after winning elections last year, Mr. Salmond is leading them towards a referendum, which will see them as an independent country. Calhoun argues that identity is seen in the relationship between essence and appearance and that it had to be achieved for development, (Calhoun 37). I feel that this need to identify Scotland as a country is triggered by the political success. The idea of a possible referendum is quickly gaining acceptance among the Scots and therefore, it is just a matter of time before the overwhelming power of identity takes place. I think the main reason for Scots desire to move and be independent is to develop themselves as an independent nation. Identity is a great need of all human beings and Scots is no exception. Ford, Thompson, Richard. â€Å"Political Identity as Identity Politics.† Unbound Harvard Journal of the Legal Left. 2009. 10 March 2012. Macintyre, James. â€Å"From Devolution to Independence.† The New York Times, 2012. Web 9 March 2012.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Factors Causing Abusive Behaviour

Factors Causing Abusive Behaviour Discuss the pathways that lead to a child becoming an abuser Introduction Abuse can take many forms, including physical, sexual, psychological or financial[1]. It can also be verbal and emotional[2]. There are frequently difficulties associated with defining abuse[3], which exists within social, cultural and legal parameters; for example using physical chastisement with children in some cultures is considered to be the norm[4]. In the UK, while the use of implements to hit children has been made illegal[5], the debate about smacking continues; it is still permissible to use ‘reasonable chastisement’[6], although there has been criticism of this from such agencies as the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) who assert that any form of physical punishment should be outlawed. Physical abuse is more comprehensively defined as: †¦hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm†¦(p. 533)[7] The definition of sexual abuse varies according to the nature of the victim (for example in relation to child sexual abuse); however a broad definition is that it involves the misuse of power, which might be combined with the use of force, to gain sexual gratification from a vulnerable person[8] Psychological and emotional abuse have some similarities, however psychological abuse is distinguishable from emotional abuse in that it results in some form of cognitive or mental impairment[9] whereas emotional abuse is, arguably, more difficult to quantify as there is a degree of subjectivity involved; however it has been described as the use of one or more of the following behaviours: humiliation, harassment, verbal abuse, demonstrating jealous and possessive behaviour, using threats, abandonment, destruction or removal of items that are important to the recipient, using controlling behaviour (for example within a relationship) and undermining someone with a view to lowering their self- esteem[10] Financial abuse is defined as: The intentional or opportunistic appropriation of the income, capital or property of a vulnerable person through theft, fraud, deception, undue influence or exploitation†¦ (p. 17).[11] Verbal abuse is frequently a component of other types of abuse; for example psychological and emotional abuse is likely to involve verbal abuse, which essentially, is the use of language which is disrespectful and hurtful to the recipient[12]. A complex form of abuse arises from Munchausen syndrome by Proxy[13]. This involves a parent or care- giver (most frequently the mother) giving an often plausible impression to health practitioners that a child is ill, by falsifying symptoms, providing false specimens, administering substances which affect the child’s health, or by inflicting wounds or interfering with existing injuries. Quite often the mother has some health care experience so is equipped with the knowledge to inform her actions, and is also able to feign concern while at the same time giving the impression of being pleasant and cooperative. Inevitably the child is likely to suffer unnecessary distress, pain and discomfort and as such the effect of this syndrome is considered to be a form of child abuse, involving as it does physical, psychological and emotional harm. Health professionals may unwittingly be complicit in the abuse by conducting investigations and invasive procedures which can cause further dis tress[14]. The mother is motivated by her own psychological needs for attention and a sense of worth. The reasons why somebody should develop this syndrome are not clear, and various theories of causation have been put forward, such as personality disorder, depressive illness, emotional disturbance and substance abuse[15]. Some sources report that the mother herself may have been abused as a child[16]. If this is the case then this could be one explanation for why a child becomes an abuser. There are various manifestations of abuse within the context of this question. Some children demonstrate abusive behaviour while still in their childhood[17]; a notorious and extreme example of this is the murder of two- year old James Bulger by two ten year old boys in 1993[18]. Other children go on to display abusive behaviour during their adolescence[19],[20],[21] while in other people, abusive behaviour does not emerge until adulthood despite it being possible to trace influential factors back to their childhood[22] The abused who becomes the abuser It is a widely held assumption that people who become abusers, were abused themselves and indeed there is evidence to support this contention[23],[24] . Children who grow up within an abusive environment are three times more likely to become abusers, however it also important to acknowledge that not all children who have been abused go on to become abusers[25]. It would appear that it is more likely for abused children to become abusers if they grow up within an environment where multifactorial influences are present such as a family history of violence, sexual abuse by a female, maternal neglect and lack of supervision[26],[27] . It is important to gain an understanding of why children who have been abused might themselves become abusers, as these factors can be addressed as part of a preventative strategy (breaking the cycle of abuse). Firstly there is evidence that there may be intergenerational transmission of parenting style, whether good or bad; the child simply goes on to prac tice what they have absorbed as a child, some of which might be on an unconscious level[28] . It is also possible that the person is left with feelings of rage, anger and resentment from having been abused and the disempowering effect that this has had on them. They might go on to project these feelings onto a more vulnerable person than they such as a child; using them to vent their feelings manifested as a form of abuse. The person who was abused as a child might feel angry if they are unable to punish or hurt the perpetrator of their abuse and instead might turn on a substitute who becomes the object of their frustrations[29],[30]. They might even use the victim of their abuse as a means of offloading the residual emotions they have as a result of their own experiences of abuse. Ward and Siegert’s pathways model[31] reflects the terminology within the title and offers some explanations for the reasons that people go on to commit sexual abuse, specifically. There are five pathways within this model: intimacy and social skills deficits; deviant sexual scripts; emotional dysregulation; anti- social cognitions and multiple dysfunctional mechanisms. These are relevant to the question because the origin of sexually abusive behaviour is linked to early life experiences within at least three of these pathways; it is the manifestation of the behaviours that varies. Intimacy and social skills deficits are associated with childhood experiences of abuse and neglect and insecure attachment relationships with adults. .Elsewhere attachment deficit has been cited as a cause of violent behaviour in adulthood towards a partner, which is associated with fear of abandonment[32]. The deviant sexual scripts pathway is explained by the experience of childhood sexual abuse; the individual’s ‘sexual script’ reflecting their past experience. Multiple dysfunctional mechanisms are said to develop from childhood experiences of sexual victimisation or early exposure to sexual behaviour and/ or material. The value of this model has been identified as offering a framework for appropriate treatment for sex offenders, as the underlying reason for the behaviour can be identified and addressed[33]. Psychosocial factors Psychosocial factors such as parental loss due to death, separation or divorce have been linked with children becoming abusers[34]; however the likelihood of this occurring is increased if there are multiple factors involved, as indicated on p. 4, para. 1. It is also possible that the child who has not been directly abused themselves, but has witnessed violence at close quarters, for example their mother being abused by their father, learns that violence is an appropriate behaviour in relation to the resolution of conflict[35]. However it could be argued that exposing children to such behaviour in itself constitutes a form of abuse, as it is distressing and can have long- term psychological effects. In relation to exposure to violence, there is a body of evidence to link the relationship between playing violent video games, and watching violent films, with an increase in aggressive behaviour[36],[37] . A link was made between the killing of James Bulger (referred to above on p. 3, pa ra. 2) and the influence of video violence, although there were also several other proposed causes for the incident[38]. There are also links made between socioeconomic factors and the incidence of abuse[39],[40], however once again there are likely to be other, interrelated contributory factors, such as unemployment and alcohol or drug abuse. Conclusion An extensive review of the literature yields a compelling argument that many abusers were themselves abused as children. However it is also clear that not all children who have been abused become abusers themselves. There are gaps in the literature in relation to examining the reasons why some individuals and not others, are able to turn away from the effects of abuse. It would appear that the reasons why a child becomes an abuser are complex and multifactorial; it has been suggested at several points in this essay that the effects of one single causative factor can be strengthened by the presence of other negative factors. In summary, the factors that might cause a child to become an abuser include: being the victim of abuse, be it physical, sexual, emotional or a combination of one or more types; being exposed to violent behaviour (for example between parents); exposure to materials that depict violence, such as magazines, films and video games; emotional deprivation leading to att achment deficit; loss of a parent; exposure to sexually explicit materials and/ or behaviour; neglect; the abuse of alcohol and/ or drugs within the home; poverty and a lack of (non- abusive) discipline and guidance. References Abuse definitions and symptoms. Verbal Abuse. 2004 Accessed: 1st February 2007. Adshead G and Brooke D (eds.) Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy: current issues in assessment, treatment and research. Imperial College Press 2001. Bagley C. Child Abusers: Research and Treatment. Universal Publishers. 2003. p.2 1993: Two boys charged with toddlers murder. Accessed: 1st February 2007. New smacking law comes into force. 2005. Accessed: 1st February 2007. Boyles S. Do Sexually Abused Kids Become Abusers? WebMD. 2003 Accessed: 31 January 2007. Brogden M and Nijhar P Crime, Abuse and the Elderly. Willan Publishing. 2000. p. 44 Brown S. Treating Sex Offenders: an introduction to sex offender treatment programmes. Willan Publishing. 2005. p. 93. Cannon M. Invited commentaries on: Cycle of child sexual abuse: links between being a victim and becoming a perpetrator. The British Journal of Psychiatry 179 2001 pp. 495-496 Cardwell M and Flanagan C Psychology A2. Nelson Thornes. 2003. p. 53 Catherall D. The Handbook of Stress, Trauma, and the Family. Routledge. 2004. p. 385. Cohle S and Byard R. Sudden Death in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence. Cambridge University Press. 2004. p.138 Duncan K. Healing From The Trauma Of Childhood Sexual Abuse: the journey for women. Praeger/Greenwood 2004. p. 205. Elliot J and Place M. Children in Difficulty: A Guide to Understanding and Helping. Routledge 2004. pp. 110-111 Erooga M. Children and Young People Who Sexually Abuse Others: challenges and responses. Routledge 1999. Flowers R Domestic Crimes, Family Violence and Child Abuse: A Study of Contemporary American SocietyMcFarland Company. 2000. p. 14. Goodwin J. Munchausen’s Syndrome as a dissociative disorder. Accessed: 2nd February 2007 Greer S. Territorial Politics and Health Policy: UK Health Policy in Comparative Perspective. Manchester University Press. 2005. p.59 Hagell A Jeyarajah-Dent R Children Who Commit Acts of Serious Interpersonal Violence: Messages for Practice. Jessica Kinglsey publishers. 2006. p. 75. Hill M and Lockyer A. Youth Justice and Child Protection. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2006. p.124. Hines D and Malley- Morrison K. Family Violence in a Cultural Perspective. Sage Publications. 2004. pp. 4, 49. Horton I and Feltham C. The Sage Handbook of Counselling And Psychotherapy. Sage Publicaiotns 2006. p. 464. Itzin C. Home truths about child sexual abuse: a reader. Routledge 2000. p.222. Kandel Englander, E. Understanding violence. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2002. p.11 Knauer S. Recovering from Sexual Abuse, Addictions, and Compulsive Behaviors: Numb Survivors. Haworth Press. 2002. pp. 146-7 Krahe B. The Social Psychology of Aggression. Psychology Press (UK). 2001. p. 161. Marshall W, O’Reilly G, Carr A and Beckett R. Handbook of Clinical Intervention with Young People Who Sexually Abuse. Psychology Press. 2004. pp. 47-50 Macleod-Brudene I. Advanced Early Years Care and Education: For Levels 4 and 5. Harcourt Heinemann. 2004. p. 397 McAuley C, Pecora P and Rose W. Enhancing the Well Being of Children And Families Through Effective Interventions. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2006. p. 144. Mukherji P. Understanding Childrens Challenging Behaviour. Nelson Thornes 2001. p. 58. National Audit Office. protecting and promoting the financial affairs of people who lose mental capacity. The Stationery Office. 2005. p. 17. Plat- Jones J. Domestic violence: the role of health professionals. Nursing Standard. 21(14-15-16) 2006pp. 44-48 James Bulger. Accessed: 1st February 2007 Sigelman C and Rider E. Life- span Human Development. Thomson Wadsworth. 2005. p. 449 Skuse D and Bouvier P. Risk of sexually abused children becoming adult abusers lower than once thought. The Lancet February 2003. Stosny S. Treating Attachment Abuse: A Compassionate ApproachSpringer Publishing 1995. pp. 42-44. Tilley N. Handbook Of Crime Prevention And Community Safety. Willan Publishing. 2005. p. 533 Wilson R. Fabricated or induced illness in children. British Medical Journal. 323. 2001. pp. 296-297 Total word count (does not include footnotes) 2253 1 Footnotes [1]Brogden M and Nijhar P Crime, Abuse and the Elderly. Willan Publishing. 2000. p. 44 [2] Flowers R Domestic Crimes, Family Violence and Child Abuse: A Study of Contemporary American SocietyMcFarland Company. 2000. p. 14. [3],10Hines D and Malley- Morrison K. Family Violence in a Cultural Perspective. Sage Publications. 2004. pp. 4, 49 [4] Mukherji P. Understanding Childrens Challenging Behaviour. Nelson Thornes 2001. p. 58. [5] Macleod-Brudene I. Advanced Early Years Care and Education: For Levels 4 and 5. Harcourt Heinemann. 2004. p. 397. [6] New smacking law comes into force. 2005. Accessed: 1st February 2007. [7] Tilley N. Handbook Of Crime Prevention And Community Safety. Willan Publishing. 2005. p. 533. [8] Horton I and Feltham C. The Sage Handbook of Counselling And Psychotherapy. Sage Publicaiotns 2006. p. 464. [9] Krahe B. The Social Psychology of Aggression. Psychology Press (UK). 2001. p. 161. [10] [11] National Audit Office. protecting and promoting the financial affairs of people who lose mental capacity. The Stationery Office. 2005. p. 17. [12] Abuse definitions and symptoms. Verbal Abuse. 2004 Accessed: 1st February 2007. [13] Adshead G and Brooke D (eds.) Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy: current issues in assessment , treatment and research. Imperial College Press 2001. [14] Wilson R. Fabricated or induced illness in children. British Medical Journal. 323. 2001. pp. 296-297. [15] Cohle S and Byard R. Sudden Death in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence. Cambridge University Press. 2004. p.138 [16] Goodwin J. Munchausen’s Syndrome as a dissociative disorder. Accessed: 2nd February 2007 [17] Erooga M. Children and Young People Who Sexually Abuse Others: challenges and responses. Routledge 1999. [18] 1993: Two boys charged with toddlers murder. Accessed 1st February 2007. [19], 23Hagell A Jeyarajah-Dent R Children Who Commit Acts of Serious Interpersonal Violence: Messages for Practice. Jessica Kinglsey publishers. 2006. p. 75. [20] Elliot J and Place M. Children in Difficulty: A Guide to Understanding and Helping. Routledge 2004. pp. 110-111 [21] Itzin C. Home truths about child sexual abuse: a reader. Routledge 2000. p.222. [22] Bagley C. Child Abusers: Research and Treatment. Universal Publishers. 2003. p.2 [23] [24] McAuley C, Pecora P and Rose W. Enhancing the Well Being of Children And Families Through Effective Interventions. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2006. p. 144. [25],26 Boyles S. Do Sexually Abused Kids Become Abusers? WebMD. 2003. Accessed: 31 January 2007. [26] [27] Skuse D and Bouvier P. Risk of sexually abused children becoming adult abusers lower than once thought. The Lancet February 2003. [28] Sigelman C and Rider E. Life- span Human Development. Thomson Wadsworth. 2005. p. 449 [29] Duncan K. Healing From The Trauma Of Childhood Sexual Abuse: the journey for women. Praeger/Greenwood 2004. p. 205. [30] Knauer S. Recovering from Sexual Abuse, Addictions, and Compulsive Behaviours: Numb Survivors. Haworth Press. 2002. pp. 146-7 [31] Marshall W, O’Reilly G, Carr A and Beckett R. Handbook of Clinical Intervention with Young People Who Sexually Abuse. Psychology Press. 2004. pp. 47-50 [32] Stosny S. Treating Attachment Abuse: A Compassionate Approach. Springer Publishing 1995. pp. 42-44. [33] Brown S. Treating Sex Offenders: an introduction to sex offender treatment programmes. Willan Publishing. 2005. p. 93. [34] Cannon M. Invited commentaries on: Cycle of child sexual abuse: links between being a victim and becoming a perpetrator. The British Journal of Psychiatry 179 2001 pp. 495-496 [35] Plat- Jones J. Domestic violence: the role of health professionals. Nursing Standard. 21(14-15-16) 2006pp. 44-48 [36] Kandel Englander, E. Understanding violence. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2002. p.11 [37] Cardwell M and Flanagan C Psychology A2. Nelson Thornes. 2003. p. 53. [38] James Bulger. Accessed: 1st February 2007. [39] Hill M and Lockyer A. Youth Justice and Child Protection. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2006. p.124. [40] Greer S. Territorial Politics and Health Policy: UK Health Policy in Comparative Perspective. Manchester University Press. 2005. p.59.

Friday, October 25, 2019

A Comparison of Wilfred Owen’s Dulce et Decorum est to Alfred Tennyson’

A Comparison of Wilfred Owen’s â€Å"Dulce et Decorum est† to Alfred Tennyson’s â€Å"Charge of the Light Brigade† In this essay I will attempt to compare and contrast Wilfred Owen’s â€Å"Dulce et Decorum est† to Alfred Tennyson’s â€Å"Charge of the Light Brigade†. I will examine the use of poetic devices in the poems as well as outline what is happening in each. Wilfred Owen was born on the 18th of March 1893 in owestry, United Kingdom. He was the oldest of four children and was educated in an evangelical school. Though Owen rejected most of his beliefs by 1913 the influence of his education still remains evident in his poems and their themes of sacrifice, biblical language and his vivid, frightening description of hell. One of the main influences on Owen’s poetry was his meeting with Siegfried Sassoon, though Owen soon fashioned his own style and approach to the war. The characteristics of Owen’s poetry are the use of Para rhyme (The rhyming of two words which have the same consonants but whose stressed vowels are different), alliteration, and assonance. Alfred Tennyson was born on 5th August 1809 in Somersby, Lincolnshire and died on the 6th October 1892 to later be buried in the poet’s corner in Westminster Abby. Tennyson was often regarded as the chief representative of the Victorian age in poetry, succeeding Wordsworth as poet laureate in 1850. Wilfred Owen’s poems are inspired by the horrors of his own experiences in World War One from 28th July 1914 to 4th November 1918, the day that he died 1 week before the armistice. At the time of this poem there were excessive amounts of propagandistic poetry for example Jessie Pope’s â€Å"Who’s for the game?† Lord Alfred Tennyson’s â€Å"Charge of the Light Brigade† was written to commemorate the suicidal charge by British light cavalry over open terrain in the Battle of Balaclava (Ukraine) in the Crimean War from 1854 to 1856. This was the first war to have photographic media coverage. Of the 637 men involved in the charge, 247 were killed or injured. Tennyson describes the valiant charge of the light brigade into â€Å"the jaws of death†. Tennyson makes use of repetition, allusion, and personification to paint a vivid picture of the charge and at the same time give the reader an insight into the mind of the brave soldiers of the light brigade. The rhythm of this poem imitates the sound of the horses galloping towards th... ...nly minor injuries can me sustained from war for example a broken leg. I preferred â€Å"Charge of the light brigade† because the pace and rhyming scheme give a sense of action and excitement. Strong metaphors and similes are used to provide the reader with an insight into the minds of the soldiers. I especially like how Tennyson describes the conflict itself in the 4th stanza, as this is a strong example of the sense of action in his work. The perception of war has gone through much change since the time of Tennyson, in Tennyson’s time war was regarded as a good thing but over time the perception of war has completely reversed, and in my opinion it seems these days that war is something that should be avoided at all costs mainly due to the technical advances made giving war much more potential to destroy more than just lives. I will conclude this essay with a quote from â€Å"the charge of the light brigade† which I believe shows the heroism of those men who died for their country and persevered under impossible odds. â€Å"When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made! All the world wondered. Honour the charge they made, Honour the Light Brigade, Noble six hundred.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Perserving Nature, Perserving Us Essay

When John Berger suggests, â€Å"It is within this bleak natural context that beauty is encountered, and the encounter is by its nature sudden and unpredictable† (Berger 92) he establishes that even though there are rare moments of beauty found in nature, none of them are permanent. He goes further to explain that these moments of beauty are examples of art: â€Å"Art is an organized response to what nature allows us to glimpse occasionally† (Berger 94). This suggests that nature is only beautiful when these infrequent flashes are captured in art. For example, the idea of the white bird that Berger discusses in his essay is taken from nature and is molded into a delicate, precious handmade piece. When the real bird is mentioned in his essay he says, â€Å"Outside, in minus 25 °C, the real birds are freezing to death† (Berger 94). His outlook on nature is portrayed as beastly. Only the idea of the white bird sculpture is beautiful to him. Though the suffering bird isn’t the most appealing thought; it is nature, it is real. He is referring to his idea that â€Å"within these bleak natural contexts, beauty is encountered.† of beauty, how can these people continue to be so dedicated with preserving nature? It is advocated that nature is consistently beautiful alone. These organizations and groups are devoted to preserving and allowing nature to be beautiful permanently. Like Berger says art is the permanence of nature’s beauty, the goal of these people is to transform the art, or the instant of beauty into an endless aesthetic. A picturesque moment in the eyes of Berger is instants that provoke aesthetic emotion. These brief seconds in time portray hopefulness within nature. He says that by organizing these hopeful and beautiful moments in time, art is therefore formed. Art by definition is â€Å"any of various pursuits or occupations in which creative or imaginative skill is applied according to aesthetic principles† (OED). These moments are found so sparingly because nature is and will always be uncertain. Even in today’s world with all the technology, we are still not prepared for the wrath of nature, let alone to fathom how harsh or when these unstable moments will arise. The idea Berger offers that nature solely has brief periods of beauty supports my question of why people try so hard to preserve nature itself. Today people are involved with  environmental programs such as Greenpeace and recycling, all with the same goal of trying to preserve and save the future of our planet. If Berger’s point of view is that nature only has a certain extent of beauty, how can these people continue to preserve nature? We see beauty all around us. It starts right here at home. Being a student at NYU it’s customary to walk through Washington Square Park each day. While in the park we see many forms of art. The question arises that why in an urban city do we have parks? We have an assortment of parks, from central park to Union Square Park and many more through out the city. Well the logic behind having these parks is that they portray beauty in the most desolate areas. After a long day of being locked up in classes, the only thing that acts as an outlet from classes and school is sitting in Washington Square Park. The park not only acts as an escape, but it allows one to find peace within the stressful and chaotic city. When I am in the park I can clear my mind as well as be one with nature. Nature is beautiful. Nature or these parks will always be beautiful even in the winter. How many times have you seen pictures of Washington Square Park with snow covered benches, and the frozen fountain, and it still be the most breath-taking scene? The community and these organizations thrive on upholding, and protecting parks such as these. It is because of people like this, people who care, people who see beauty where it may not be all the time is why nature and these parks are aesthetic. Ann Zwinger, the author of â€Å"A Desert World† allegorizes the representation that nature holds. Her core ideas of endurance, empathy, and anguish that each grain of sand holds exemplify her reason for constructing this essay. Nature gives us a certain consideration for how the world cultivates itself and how it has fashioned our daily lives. Zwigger views the most desolate environment as beautiful and hopeful. Similarly, Berger’s essay implies that nature’s beauty comes and goes whereas Zwinger makes it clear that nature always demonstrates beauty and stories. She furthers her thinking by clarifying, â€Å"I tally the physiological adjustments of blood and urine, hearing and seeing, of adaptations in behavior that make life in the desert not only possible with verve, qualities seen and unseen that spell out not only survival, but survival with zest† (Zwigger 416). These things that survive in nature are not hardly getting by, but yet they flourish because of innovation forced upon them when evolution occurs. It is important to remember how the world  came to be signifying the optimism of aesthetics, and yet there is still an immense area for development. The sight of a visually appealing landscape is irreplaceable, but also a memorandum of where we come from. If we take a step back and try and interpret what Zwinger is trying to say, she is saying beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. To me what may be beautiful is the opposite of what Zwinger thinks. She views the cave and the desert to be the most beautiful thing. However, to me I find the sparkling waters in the Caribbean simply spectacular. As she finds the ability of animals to survive and evolve in the desert to be beautiful and intriguing, comparably, I find these sea creatures to be the same. The amount of ocean life that is flourishing that we don’t even know about is not only unfathomable but is beautiful. Even the unknown of nature is beautiful. Damien Hirst perfectly depicts art that is nature frozen in time similarly to the concept that John Berger discusses in his essay. Hirst’s series â€Å"The White Cube,† are these simple, transparent glass boxes with motionless animals inside them. These animals are not just examples, but they are nature’s beauty captured by art. This explicitly illustrates my thoughts on the biggest contrasts between how Berger views nature and my own views. I feel that by capturing these moments they become stuck or full of tension. Moreover, Hirsts artwork can are arguably not be beautiful in that life cannot be seen in these still pieces of art. On the other hand, to further my thinking, Zwinger may view his work to imprison nature. These freely roaming creatures are now fixed. The question posed in this essay was why do we preserve nature? I believe that nature is kept preserved because if we do not uphold nature, we will not be alive. There are many things in this world that we take for granted, nature being one of them. Even Berger describes nature as being â€Å"energy and struggle† he goes further to articulates, â€Å"Nature has no promises.† Berger fully understands the delicacy of nature but he fails to recognize its overall beauty. Furthermore I think that from nature’s beauty humans can learn about themselves. An example of this can be hunting. Humans hunt for animals, however hunting teaches you a lot more then just how to shoot a gun. Hunting teaches you how to be patient. It teaches you to respect and to be thankful. Hunting is a form of nature. It is a way of life that happens within nature everyday. If we keep these positive attributes of nature in mind we will want to preserve the wilderness. The more we look into why we  keep nature around the more we can learn about ourselves. Works Cited Berger, John. â€Å"The White Bird.† The Sense of Sight. NY: Vintage, 1993. 5-11. Zwinger, Ann. â€Å"A Desert World.† Trans. Array Occasions for Writing- Evidence, Idea, Essay. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2008. 415-416. Print.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Advantages and disadvantages of job security Essay

Is government in Mauritius legalized training? With over 20 years innovation in information technology services and training for enterprises in Mauritius, the region and internationally, FRCI is today a leader in the ICT sector. FRCI is structured around 5 areas of expertise, all geared towards the same objective; customer satisfaction. FRCI was recognised as Microsoft 2010 Country Partner of the year for Mauritius and received numerous Microsoft awards for the West, East and Central Africa (WECA) region : 2012 & 2011 Best Learning Partner, 2011 Best Virtualisation Partner and 2010 Best Enterprise Software Advisor. Historically, with the exception of the air wing, the armed forces have been poorly trained and suffered from low morale. Beginning in the late 1980s, the government began to establish a military training infrastructure. On May 16, 1987, the first noncommissioned officers (NCOs) passed through a three-month refresher course at the SPDF NCO Training School. At the graduation ceremony, Chief of Staff James Michel told the NCOs that a new career development program would give each of them â€Å"an equal opportunity to develop his career and rise up the promotion scale to the highest ranks.† On May 7, 1988, the SPDF, supported by the People’s Militia, conducted a simulated offensive at the Grand Police Military Training Center. The troops covered offensive and defensive military tactics, weapons training, field communications and engineering, first aid, map reading, and other military subjects. On June 2, 1990, officials opened the Seychelles Defence Academy, which provided training courses for the SPDF, the People’s Militia, and the police. Despite these efforts, the SPLA and the navy wing have failed to improve their capabilities. Personnel suffer from low morale, poor qualifications, and ineffective combat skills. Training is legalized in various aspects in Mauritius so that to help the country to attain economic growth and to be effective in the market, the following aspects are shown below, namely: 1. Training in education 2. Training in construction 3. Training in information technology 4. Training in defense 5. Training in health care 6. Training in development 7. Training in dealing in the international market 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Is training really a necessity? How do you find the true benefit of your training? I wish I could tell you it was glamorous and exciting. With the right attitude it can always be exciting, but it is hardly glamorous. The most important aspect is patience. You won’t find the benefits overnight. It may take a couple of years before you really understand. However, your understanding keeps growing from that point. Training is exciting if you look for the Basic Principles. I see many students (even high ranking) who know the movements but don’t understand principles such as body shifting and turning, balanced motion, focus on abdomen and proper breathing. In order to maximize your training experience I would like you to do one thing. Don’t just look on the surface at what you are doing. Dig deeper and try to understand the real meaning. I guarantee you will be amazed at the treasures you will discover. Training is the process through which you find it – whatever it is you are looking for. The color of your belt or the number of stripes doesn’t mean anything. It is the process of training that is important. Training is your journey. The destination is up to you . Training is probably the most important decision a new registrant can make, because it will dictate if this individual will be in the industry in two years from their point of entry. Basing a decision to join a brokerage based on commission structure alone is a short-sighted decision, but sadly this is all too common. If an individual truly wants to be successful in real estate they need to be trained properly. They need to ensure that the person offering the fundamental training is licensed and has had practical hands-on experience. There are lots of stories about the quality of  training, and the depth and knowledge of the individuals doing the teaching. Some are good, but many are weak or hollow at best. Due diligence on the training front is an absolute requirement for all new registrants. The registrants need to ensure there is substance, relevancy and credibility to the training programs being offered. More importantly, research the actual trainers providing the course materials – remember, you get what you pay for. A good rule of thumb: if it is free, you are probably wasting your time. Surina Hart, the director of education for Right At Home Realty (RAH), who heads up RAH University, says, â€Å"Having taught the OREA courses, I have become intimate about the training the registrants receive and the gap that exists before that registrant completes their first deal. The problem is many registrants feel that upon completion of the registrant courses they are ready to sell, and I can tell you they are not yet in that position.† â€Å"Inadequate introductory training is a key factor in why so many individuals leave the industry after only two years in the business, not to mention the negative impact they have on the public who are interacting with them.† We need to continue learning, expanding and developing our core skills, on top of taking the required continuing education courses. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 In which countries are training legalized in developing, less or under developed countries? Differences in training in developing countries can be traced to the experiences of colonization, industrialization, and advancing technology. Since decolonization after World War II, developing countries have had to cope with depleted primary resources and unprecedented and unexpectedly rapid industrialization. Industrialization has taken the form of technology transfer, which has contributed to the loss of indigenous technologies. The developing world is becoming aware that the key to its development lies not in transfer of capital-intensive technologies designed for use where labor is comparatively scarce, but in industrial development that uses those technologies that advance the socioeconomic objective of development. Training and development efforts in developing countries should nrelate to an industrialization that uses technologies appropriate to specific environments. From a developing country’s perspective, training and development have an important role in developing the capacity to use and control appropriate technology. Training and development must be dynamic and focus on an understanding of the respective country’s culture in its transition from a low to a higher technology base. Implementation problems include cultural and linguistic diversity of the audience, poor communication, and limited or out-of-date instructional materials, facilities, and training and development personnel. A visit was made to Washington, D.C., to see Dr. Allan McKelvie, who has spent many active years in the voluntary Organisation, CARE/Medico, and who was responsible for starting the voluntary programmes in Indonesia, Jordan and Tunisia. In these programmes surgeons from the United States, Canada, Australia and elsewhere visit developing countries for periods of one month each to develop the orthopaedic services and train the local surgeons and doctors. Dr. McKelvie is also very active in orthopaedic surgical training programmes in the United States, and has a considerable interest in helping in the training of orthopaedic surgeons from developing countries. The relative needs of the developing countries of the world were discussed, and the realistic methods by which the standard of treatment of the patient crippled by orthopaedic diseases or trauma could be improved in over half the world’s population. The following points were agreed upon as being important: 1. Orthopaedic Surgeons. In developing countries surgeons should be trained either in their own countries or in suitable centres in other developin countries. Little good would come of training them in sophisticated centres in developed countries, apart from short courses in specialised types of orthopaedics. Surgeons from developing countries who are trained in centres in Europe and North America often cannot adapt to simplified procedures on returning to their own countries. In addition, many never want to return to their own countries, while others are dissatisfied after their return. It is therefore essential that certain orthopaedic centres in developing countries, with the facilities, staff and patients suitable for training surgeons from other developing countries, should be assisted and recognised by the major orthopaedic associations in the developed countries of the  world. 2. Type of Training Required. Dr. McKelvie felt that the standards of training in developing countries should be much lower than those of developed countries, in order that the maximum number of orthopaedic surgeons should be trained. In Uganda a very different approach has been used. It is felt that it is essential to have a nucleus of well trained ortho-paedic surgeons with international recognition in order that they can in future train other surgeons to a recognised high standard. The problem of training as many doctors and staff as possible is overcome by running courses of variable length from 3 days to 6 months in duration for other doctors and for general surgeons. In addition a large number of orthopaedic assistants (male nursing assistants with 1-2 years’ additional training in all the simple practical aspects of orthopaedics excluding actual operating) are trained. This method has worked well to date in Uganda. 3. Publications on Training. It was agreed that there was an urgent necessity for books, slides and films devoted to the realistic management of orthopaedics and trauma in developing countries. A booklet was also required on the manufacture of simple appliances and artificial limbs suitable for developing countries. 4. Training of Orthopaedic Ancillaries. In addition to orthopaedic assistants, orthopaedic technicians, physiotherapists, rehabilitation workers and nurses should be trained as far as possible in developing countries. Only a small selected ftw of these should visit a developed country for further training and then only for a specialised course. 5. Assistance from Developed to Developing Countries (a) Staff. CARE/Medico orthopaedic surgeons only spend one month at a time on a rota system in a developing country. They teach and do clinical work, but do not take any part in policy making or administration. (b) Many leading surgeons in developing countries, however, feel that a surgeon should spend at least oneyear, and if possible two, in order to be of real value, especially if he has never worked in a developing country before. This is because it often takes 3 to 6 months for a surgeon to re-orientate his management of patients to that which is economicaly realistic to a developing country. The same will apply to orthopaedic technicians and physiotherapy teachers, but in these cases it is essential that the teacher is flexible and realistic in his or her approach. A teacher, for instance,  who will only make calipers and artificial limbs out of imported parts from a developed country at an exhorbitant cost will do more harm than good in a developing country. Financial Assistance. This is required for secretarial and research assistance and for the preparation of books, booklets, slides, films and reprints for teaching purposes. Large sums of money are spent on transport and emoluments and even capital expenditure for buildings by developed countries in developing countries. A small fraction of this amount would achieve many times the good on an international rather than a national scale by distributing teaching aids so necessary for improving standards of orthopaedic care. The amount actxa~ly available is often negligible. There appears to be a universal reluctance throughout the world to help direct6v in the dissemination of knowledge. As a result of this, the lack of communication between countries, except at the highest level, is little short of appalling.